Leadership Coaching
Most leaders aren't looking for more ideas, data, strategies, or advice. Leaders are looking for more time and the ability to achieve more with the resources, time and energy they have.
Coaching creates clarity. I can help you arrive at your own solutions that align with who you are and what you want to achieve. I offer a skilled ear in a supportive and confidential environment.
Topics that come up regularly include:
Influencing others
Balance & boundaries
Leadership Identity (vs Impostor Syndrome)
Receiving & giving difficult feedback
Focus and time-management
My approach is holistic. Leadership shows up in every corner of our lives. You'll see the benefits of coaching at work, home and beyond.
How do you look after you?
Balance is one of those essential life skills we were never taught at school. Our modern lives require so much of us that it's hard to give the right attention to our many competing demands. Often, the first thing to go is self-care.
A core skill of a balanced life is the ability to create and maintain boundaries. It's key to making yourself a priority and giving you the energy to be able to connect meaningfully with others.
Imposter Syndrome and stepping into your own power
Identity is just a fancy word for how you express yourself in the world. Having a strong sense of who you are is vital for happiness and success.
I've encountered many leaders who struggle with imposter syndrome, which is usually a result of comparing oneself to a false idea of who you should be as a leader. It's a result of underestimating and undervaluing your strengths and talents.
Leadership isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. You have what it takes to find your own personal style and unique approach. Knowing this brings confidence, humility, and most powerfully, the ability to connect with others.
Making sense of feedback and translating it into growth
My guess is you've (at least once) been on the receiving end of poorly delivered feedback. ​If so, you're not alone. And tragically, these experiences can easily close us off from seeking feedback from others or inspire defensiveness when feedback comes our way.
Yet feedback in its purist form is essential to success. It's vital to gauging how we are performing and how our actions and decisions impact others.
One of the most important leadership skills
The other side of receiving feedback is being able to give it. If you've not received good support and training in how to give feedback, the experience can range from frightening to clumsy. When delivered well, feedback has the power to transform. It represents a catalysing opportunity for personal and professional growth in yourself, your teams, and the cultures you are building.
I learned this set of skills through hard-won practice, but also by being taught in a healthy feedback culture.
Giving feedback is a teachable set of skills that can easily be learned and developed through coaching and practice.